Would You, Could You, Eat A Filet-O-Fish?

Out of all the non-Muslims holidays that come around, my favorite has always been Lent. No, not Easter that comes after or Mardi-Gras that comes before, the actual season of Lent. Those forty days and forty nights that I know mostly nothing about has always held a soft spot in my youth. Maybe it has to do with me knowing that Lent requires Catholics to give up something they love out of devotion to God which is similar to Ramadan - where Muslims give up our daily needs to develop a strong connection to Allah (God). But really, the main reason I love lent so much (ironically) is two words: Fish sandwiches. More specifically, the Filet-O-Fish (FoF). Muslims have a few dietary restrictions, aside from avoiding alcohol and pig-based foods, Muslims are also instructed to only eat halal meat. Halal meaning "pure" in Arabic, describes the method that animal is killed. I don't want to delve too deep into the discussion of what constitutes halal mea...