Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Caused My Disappearance

I'm back! Finally... Had a lot on my plate lately but I can finally come back to hopefully regularly update this blog. And a lot of things have happened since I last posted. E3 2018, Avengers: Infinity War, and I'm also another whole year older! Time is flying by real quick. But the real reason I was gone wasn't because of real life. No...no...it was because my fake life that had encompassed all that I would know. A fake life that I had constantly kept at my side through the months, checking on it every free moment that I possessed. That life was called Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (XC2). And while I certainly did not finish the game completely, I don't think I will touch this game again (this sounds worse than I make it out to be). Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a large- wait, no- vast game. It's got so much space in it that I think the Witcher 3 world map could fit inside with room to spare. This is just an estimation, I could easily be wrong. But if anyt...