Batman v. Superman: A Cereal Review

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I think about is justice. Nothing more in this world plagues me so then the inability to really comprehend the amount of evil that goes on in this world without recompense. How much longer can this go on? How shall I, a lonely human being, be able to carry the herculean task of bringing justice to the world? How can I right all the wrongs that infect society like a disease? The answer is cereal. Well, that's what General Mill's was trying to do. Growing up, my parents always bought the house hold brand names. So there is little else in my cereal vocabulary besides Honey Bunches of Oats, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cheerios, and Frosted Flakes. Why you ask? There are two answers: A family of six and Costco. So when I was little, I had didn't have the luxury of tasting the cereals that came in small, one pouch boxes. Whenever I asked, my parents would always say I could get whatever cereal I wanted when I made my own money. ...