Comic Grab Bag Part 6: What If...Daredevil Was The Disciple Of Doctor Strange? Issue #83

Comic Grab Bag Part 6: What If...Daredevil Was The Disciple Of Doctor Strange? Issue #83

The "What If..." comics were a series of comics crossovers that took different superheroes and changed their scenarios and origins. . They were usually one shot comics that were all non-canon and just for fun. They had very interesting combinations like if Spider-man joined the Fantastic Four (or Fantastic Five because of him) or if Wolverine was the Lord of the Vampires. From one shots, they gradually changed into  full fledged story arcs exploring alternative choices of main Marvel storyline events. An example being What If...Wolverine went back in time to kill Hank Pym which ultimately stopped Ultron from being created. That specific story lasted many issues focusing on several superheroes and new events.

Also, fun fact: during the mid 90's DC and Comics set up a shared printing company called Amalgam Comics which took DC characters and Marvel characters and mashed them up. This spawned such infamous characters like Dark Claw and Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. I just found that pretty interesting.

So Marvel begs the question: "What if... Daredevil was the Disciple of Doctor Strange?"

Well, this discussion will be short. Mainly because there isn't much I can find this comic to talk about. Basically, Marvel decided to just use the Daredevil story-line and throw Dr.Strange into the mix. Daredevil becomes part of the Hand (or has he?) and decides to hunt down Elektra because she has some amazing powers that Hand wants. Dr. Strange, a once former teacher of Daredevil, tries to hide Elektra from the Hand.

A battle breaks out, Dr. Strange finds out that the Daredevil loves Elektra and leaves the Hand for her. They defeat the Hand easily. Afterwards, Daredevil and Elektra tell Dr.Strange that they neither want to be part of the Hand or the Chaste. They just want to be together (awww...) Dr.Strange leaves them be and the story ends happily ever after.

I have to say that I like the art in this comic and I like the new samurai-esque style of The Daredevil. Rafael Kayanan has great knack for showing the action and Scheele really makes the comic a joy to look at. The art style also incorporates manga elements as well with patch shadowing and other effects.

But other than that, the comic is just one big fight scene. There is a fight at the beginning, introduction to Elektra, and then a fight at the end. Though Dr. Strange was written very well into the comic. I mean if one didn't know who Dr. Strange was, this comic would have them believing he was a mentor of Matt Murdock.

I liked these types of comics and their art because it takes me back to a time in my childhood when I first started reading comics. Anyways, looking forward to another comic in my comic grab bag. Sorry for the short post!


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