Comic Grab Bag Part 6: What If...Daredevil Was The Disciple Of Doctor Strange? Issue #83
Comic Grab Bag Part 6: What If...Daredevil Was The Disciple Of Doctor Strange? Issue #83 The "What If..." comics were a series of comics crossovers that took different superheroes and changed their scenarios and origins. . They were usually one shot comics that were all non-canon and just for fun. They had very interesting combinations like if Spider-man joined the Fantastic Four (or Fantastic Five because of him) or if Wolverine was the Lord of the Vampires. From one shots, they gradually changed into full fledged story arcs exploring alternative choices of main Marvel storyline events. An example being What If...Wolverine went back in time to kill Hank Pym which ultimately stopped Ultron from being created. That specific story lasted many issues focusing on several superheroes and new events. Also, fun fact: during the mid 90's DC and Comics set up a shared printing company called Amalgam Comics which took DC characters and Marvel characters and mashed them u...