Launch Day Blues

    Yay! Looks like all the new systems have finally launched! It's always exciting when new systems launch. This launch is even more exciting when you factor in that the launch of the PlayStation 4 and the XBoxOne will usher in the era of:

...yeah (don't have to thank me on the art). But really that's what this is all about. Why else would people get a new system? As gamers, we are compelled to see the new technical horizon. To see what game developers can do with new and updated specifications. As consumers, we are prone to buy the next new and shiny thing. A lot of people just want to be the first to have it and to show it off. We somehow have been taught to want something new when we have no reason to. At least when a game is announced and the trailer comes out, you can say to yourself, "Hey, that looks real fun! I think I'm going to get that!" With a system, you can't say the same thing. They are pieces of equipment for  playing games, but that's all. If a video gaming system could do more than just media applications, it would then just be another computer. In fact, games used to be the only thing separating consoles from computers. Now, with the strong presence of Steam and other gaming websites, the only differences between consoles and computers is a controller and exclusive games.

So, as a crazy gamer who loves everything about video games, why didn't I get a PlayStation 4? (As a side note: I never was an XBox fan, so I was never interested in what Microsoft had to offer.) Well, I'll tell you why and it's all because of Nintendo's faltering system, the Wii U.

The Wii U got me angry about launch systems. It wasn't the fact that no one I knew was getting one (due to the terribly marketing job by Nintendo), but the fact that there were no games to get for it. All the "good" games were ports of old AAA titles. It's cool that I could switch Batman's gadgets on a touch screen in the middle of battle, but Arkham City came out a year ago, Nintendo. I didn't buy anything for the system until just recently (Super Mario 3D World -which is awesome by the way). So I ended up letting the Wii U collect dust in anticipation for Super Smash Brother Wii U.

I learned the lesson of patience. There's no point in owning the shiniest thing on the block if there is nothing to play on it. I guess I'm still a video game purist at heart. The whole integration of media and streaming into a system doesn't really get me excited. I buy console systems because they deliver games that you can't get on PCs and have other innovations that PCs can't handle.

If you got a new system on launch day, good for you. Just make sure that you're happy with your purchase come January and February. I have a feeling that all those "launch window" games are far off in the distance. With all the mediocre reviews revolving around the launch day titles of the XBoxOne and PS4, I'm glad that I'm not putting money toward an long-term investment. But if you really wanted Killzone or the remake of the Killer Instinct, then maybe it was a worthy investment. But for now, I'll stick to the PC and wait until something good comes out for the Playstation 4.

Fan Boy Rage Begin!


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