Shin Megami Tensei V's Combat Makes Me Tired
I haven't finished Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V) . And kind of don't want to. But I have gotten so far into this game that I don't think I can pull myself away. The combat is equal parts entertaining and equal parts frustrating. However, the frustrating parts raise to the top a lot more frequently like a drink that is equal parts ice and equal parts water. And that's the main thing with SMT V : It's mainly about combat. If you pick up any entry into the Shin Megami Tensei series, it's almost an unspoken rule that the plot takes a backseat (I'll get to that later). Many cutscenes are less than a few minutes and mainly are added to introduce characters you'll be fighting at some point in the game. SMT V is also a very slow burn, a game that requires lots of patience, planning, and (the frustrating part) a lot of luck. The game punishes you for being unprepared but doesn't give you the best methods of being prepared. Let's break this down a bit:...