Good Movie, Bad Movie? Aquaman Review
I ended up watching Aquaman a few weeks ago. Let me start out by saying that the one thing I can unequivocally say is that it is a extremely pretty movie. Though the CG can be hit or miss, the art direction is phenomenal. The four kingdoms of the ocean (including Atlantis) all have their own distinct styles. It also helps that Aquaman doesn't have to follow any type of thematic formula from the past DCEU movies. While some part of the movie are dark and dreary, most of the movie is set in either the psychedelic and phosphorescent city of Atlantis (seriously, it's like Futurama under water) or in some part of the world that's sunny and cheery. While Batman v. Superman and Justice League tried to keep the tone dark and dreary as much as possible (to a fault), Aquaman decides to just mix it up all over the place. The main plot is typical of the hero's journey: The main protagonist is not fit to take on the position he was destined for, so he then goes on a jou...