First 16 Hours of Persona 5

Anxiety. Despite all the praise that I can muster up for Persona 5, the game keeps me coming back to this one word. Even with the ever-so-slick style, the way all the game mechanics mesh with each other, and even the way the characters are written, I can't shake this feeling. There's just too much to do in Persona 5. Persona 5 comes from a long running Atlus RPG series: Shin Megami Tensei. While there are many mainline SMT games, Persona was an offshoot that focused on a modern and realistic Japanese setting with teenage slice-of-life mixed in. However, even the Persona series delved into worlds of fantasy. There are always two worlds you switched between: the real world, where you go to school and investigate the weird events going on around town, and the "other" world which housed the dungeons and combat. The general idea is to build relationships with people and friends in the real world to make your team stronger so that you can fight enemies in the ...