Another (Two) Weekends With Zelda: A Breath of Fresh (Wild) Air (Part 2)

I've been hacking away at Breath of a Wild for about two weeks and three weekends now, so forgive the slight inaccuracy of the title. I think I'm nearing the halfway point of the game. There is still a good chunk of the world map waiting for me to explore plus many areas I need to go back to. Hyrule is too huge of a world for me to uncover every rock and find every shrine (it's definitely possible, but I don't think I will). The small annoyances in the game have started to affect my enjoyment of the game. I'm getting more frustrated with the inventory system rather than the weapon durability system. It's alright that weapons break frequently; the need for improvisation is great and keeps me engaged in combat. It's the constriction of weapon, bow, and shield slots that gets me. Increasing inventory space requires "Korok seeds" which you find by seeking Koroks in out of the way areas and by solving small puzzles in the overworld. The game giv...