Final Fantasy XV Review

If there is one thing you can count on when you start a jRPG, it's a long adventure. It doesn't matter how the story is structured, as long as there are sidequests and a leveling system, jRPGs can easily span 50 to 60 hours without even trying. At least this gives a good return on investment in term of content. The one big mystery, however, is if it's worth even delving into at all. Final Fantasy XV (FFXV) has enough good things in it that make it worth the price of admission, if only slightly. SquareEnix did an incredible job on bringing the world of Final Fantasy to the next gen console systems. The graphics are great, there is quite a bit of enemy variety, and the ending is actually pretty epic despite being a bit obtuse. But there are just a few flaws on a fundamental level that make me really hesitant to recommend the game. Instead of doing a full on review, I'd like to discuss some key points of my time with the game (Ah, heck it's pretty much a review...