Two Months Sunk Into Super Mario Odyssey

There's a lot of talk about hype these days. A lot of gamers seem to really take trailers at face value these days and despite being let down time and time again, we still chomp at the bit at the latest trailers. We, as a community, never really learn our lesson. We swear off pre-orders and day one purchases. We balk at the term, "loot box" or "Season Pass." Yet they get more and more prevalent as time goes by. Heck, major developers also throw in mobile gaming tactics (gatcha gimmicks and buying in-game currency to speed up grinding) into their triple A titles because they the player base is so large, developers will find those so called "whales" to increase revenue. And while I can understand all of these things as ways to recoup costs of insanely expensive development costs, it sort of ruins the simplicity of gaming. When I was younger, there was a sense of finality in buying a game. A bad game would be completed, forgotten, and left in the ...