A Little Bit About Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Sometimes you find that even when you're a part of a community, you can still feel alone or part of a smaller group of people. The video gaming community is probably larger than it has ever been. I mean the accessibility of gaming now encompasses not only PC and gaming consoles, but also mobile devices as well. But even with the ever expanding community, there are still small groups of gamers that are isolated because of what types of games they like. Even though gaming is my passion, I still have my likes and dislikes. Those likes and dislike don't really jive with the majority of gaming community. Somehow, unless it's a Nintendo title, I don't really like the most popular games out there. I don't play Candy Crush Saga, I stopped playing Pokemon Go, I never got into Call of Duty or Battlefield. Growing up, I loved Japanese RPGs and to this day, I still do. Remember the technicolor frog? Pepperidge Farm remembers... While JRPGs were supreme during the SNES a...