Suicide Squad Review: Suicidal Tendencies
Suicide Squad Review It's been about a week or since I've seen Suicide Squad and I've already forgotten most of the movie. This alone could probably tell you how I felt about the movie but in order to humor myself, I wanted to go ahead and give a full review. Now let me tell you that movie is definitely a "fun" movie filled with some pretty cool action sequences. Sadly, these action sequences aren't as well executed as the sequences in other superhero movies (like Captain America: Civil War). In fact, the fights in Civil War at least include teammates using each others powers together to help combat the other side. It's a shame really. Suicide Squad tries very hard to prove to the audience that it has style and is "really cool," but ultimately it falls flat. And I mean that in a literal sense because the beginning has a really nice sense of color when introducing the main characters of the Squad, but after the beginning the movie just ...