Crappy Number Nine
About a year ago, I wrote this piece about Mighty No. 9. I was pissed about how that Kickstarter project was being handled and made my thoughts as clear as I could. But now the game has finally been released and the game's code was sent to my inbox. I hesitantly installed the game with what little hopes I had. I kept thinking that those damning reviews were based off of the negative press surrounding the game and they were missing the little gem that would be Mighty No. 9. I was hoping a little bit of old Megaman nostalgia would seep into my heart and warm the cold, calculated core of my critical heart. But even the tiniest bit hope I had was lost. when I started up the first level. Mighty No. 9 does not play well. Might No. 9 doesn't feel like a four million dollar game that took three years to develop. It feels budgeted. It feels stripped of detail, content, and charm. And most of all, it's not fun. To give it some iota of...