The Line

Spec Ops: The Line isn't a very long game. Just like any other typical shooter, the campaign is about six hours long and can easily be beaten in a lazy weekend. The gameplay works, but is nothing to write home about. The graphics are good, but not exceptional. But the story, plot, and message it gets across is done so well, everything else can be overlooked. In Spec Ops: The Line, you play as Captain Walker with his two squad mates, Lugo and Adams. You are ordered to go to Dubai to help citizens evacuate the sandstorm-stricken city. The game starts off with a foreshadowing set piece where you fend off your helicopter from other enemy helicopters before making a crash landing. It flashes back to the beginning of the whole scenario with a trek through the desert sand before arriving at an almost post-apocalyptic Dubai. Though the damage was expected, the sight was still a surprise. After realizing that there were dead American soldiers littered about the streets, Walke...