Black Adam Review: The Hierarchy of Power in the DC Universe Has Largely Stayed the Same

I don't know what I expected. If you've been reading this blog, superhero movie reviews here are commonplace. It seems that the latest entry from DC, Black Adam, decided to become the quintessential DC movie ever made. And I don't necessarily mean that nicely. This movie probably packs in all the mistakes (and some highlights) that other DC movies made in the past. Cram in a bunch of superheroes where some have no bearing on the overall plot? Check. Load up exposition fast and frequently? Check. Weird ass pacing? Check . Nonsensical motivations? Check . Make sure to focus on moments/scenes and not a cohesive story? Check. Odd on-the-nose soundtrack to action sequences that feel jarring and tone deaf? Check. Slow motion and lighting? Check. There is talk that the movie was in development for several years and it totally shows. It's not even that the movie didn't bring anything to table, it is more like it ate everything at the table, partially digested it and sp...